Through our services, we want to contribute to the evolution of the labour market and to emphasise the personal and social value of work as a key player on a global basis.


The company’s mission is based on the 6 core values of the Group. The work of each individual and each branch in Gi Group is based on a set of values consistent with our approach to the labour market and the society in which we operate.


Gi Group conceives work as a tool for people to fulfil themselves, realize their desires and to participate in the creation of a greater “wellbeing” that can endure into the future. This is why the work done by Gi Group is oriented towards the creation of work opportunities that allow people to experience a future that corresponds to their needs and expectations and abides by the principles of equality, impartiality, the protection of personal dignity and safety and against all forms of discrimination and illegality.

Gi Group is well aware of the public and social role it plays within the society. As a multinational staffing company, we can be influential in establishing new and better rules for the development of the market and local communities, using our global practices. The wellbeing of our stakeholders also falls within the individual responsibility of our company’s staff. All our employees are therefore called on to take responsibility for supporting:


  • Universally recognized human rights, and actively safeguarding them;
  • The laws of the countries where the group operates, resisting all forms of abuse and corruption;
  • The legislation that regulates workplace health and safety, spreading its culture and adopting the most effective preventative measures;
  • Sustaining the latest initiatives, technologies and practices aimed at environmental protection.

Gi Group believes that the only valid way in which its employees and representatives can fulfil their work mission is by performing their tasks with the utmost care and attention. The work must be done well, for themselves and for those who are intended. In this context, the principles are based on the priorities of:

  • Our customers – including both the Companies and Candidates – to satisfy their specific needs with services and tools offering effective, targeted and long-lasting solutions that create value.
  • Our People – to strengthen the recognition of their value and the awareness of the importance that work has for them, make sure they know that the Company can play a valuable, educational role in their lives.

Gi Group believes that a company’s ability to maintain its state of balance and performance in the market is an essential factor for the profitable and healthy of the business and for satisfying the needs and achieving the objectives of its stakeholders. It must combine business continuity with excellent service, improve the employees and the economic and social environment in which the company operates. It should be pursued with absolute respect for the law and in accordance with the principle of free, regulated and fair competition.

Gi Group is convinced that continuous learning and the encouragement of innovation represent necessary conditions for doing a better job and sustaining business continuity. By creating new solutions that adapt to the changes in the economic and social conditions should benefit all stakeholders.
The staff in Gi Group are willing to understand the candidates, companies and institutions, and share their expertise through professionalism in their daily work.

Gi Group believes that people are a fundamental asset for an organization. We understand and respect the importance of work-life balance and team work and a deep involvement in the company’s mission are essential.

Perceiving the company’s values and mission as being in line with one’s own vision of work means switching from a passive to a proactive role. Everyone at Gi Group is expected to establish a positive relationship with their colleagues to exchange their views on work conditions and make proposals for improving the company’s products and processes that create value for all parties.

And the exchange of views must characterize not only the relationship between colleagues, but also relationships with all other stakeholders. Dignity, honor and reputation of each individual should be maintained.